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Opening & Welcome

9:00 A.M - 9:20 A.M


Joaquim Bretcha, ESOMAR Director General, Netherlandsps

ESOMAR Representatives Welcome

9:20 A.M. - 9:25 A.M


Dan Fleetwood, ESOMAR Representative, QuestionPro, United States


Sandy Casey, ESOMAR Representative, InnovateMR, United Statespsps


YES! It's Pitch Time!

Hear BIG ideas, shared in only 60 seconds, from this year’s Young ESOMAR Society (YES!) Award finalists. There can only be one winner, so don't forget to vote! 

Small Splashes Create Big Waves

How pro bono work is a value-add for young researchers, businesses, and the industry


Lauren Thompson, MESH Experience, United States


Out With the Old, in With the New

The Trouble With Surveys, and the Next Generation of Market Research


Vince Grana, Orchard, United States


9:25 A.M. - 9:35 A.M



Programme Committee Chair

Giulia Gasperi, TRIPTK, Netherlands

Introduction to the Programme and Keynote


9:35 A.M. - 10:15 A.M


Using hip hop as a lens to find innovation lessons during the AI Inflection, this keynote collides worlds to find common ground and new insight. 

Jonathon Brown, TrendHunter, Canada

Opening Keynote

Innovate Like a Rap Star


10:15 A.M. - 10:45 A.M

Networking Break


10:45 A.M. - 10:55 A.M

Creativity Catalyst: The Power of Collaboration

Fiona Blades, MESH Experience, United States

10:55 A.M. - 11:15 A.M

Client Topic


Human and machine, are we replacing or complementing our current capabilities?

Our future with Gen AI is about augmentation not automation. We humans will need to always be the driver seat same as the game.


Ipsita Ghosh, Kimberly-Clark, United States

Daniella Gold, ?What If! Innovation, United States

11:15 A.M. - 11:35 A.M

Client Topic

When Gen AI Meets Gen Z

Using generative AI to decode the Gen-Z mind for game changing innovation

When Gen AI Meets Gen Z: Using generative AI to decode the Gen-Z mind for game changing innovation


Adrian Terron, Tata Group, India

11:35 A.M. - 11:55 A.M

Industry Challenge

AI and Qual: Squaring the Circle at Last

How Generative AI can improve skills of researchers and supercharge their productivity

At the heart of qualitative research are human understanding coupled with models that help us interpret words, images, videos and signs. The two challenges that have held back greater use of qualitative research are the time taken to train researchers and the time taken to analyse projects. In this presentation Ray showcases how Generative AI can improve skills of researchers and supercharge their productivity. The result is qual that is better, cheaper, and faster.

Ray Poynter, ESOMAR President, NewMR, United Kingdom

11:55 A.M. - 12:15 P.M.

Industry Challenge

The Science Behind the Creativity

Adding biometrical measurements to content

Traditionally in the creative world, content is measured with subjective or media metrics (where it is transmitted), however: what if we could measure content with intrinsic metrics (attention, emotion, recall)? All this using biometric technology​


Abigail Rivera, Warner Bros Discovery, Mexico

Alexander Nempeque, Warner Bros Discovery, Mexico

12.15 P.M - 12.15 P.M.


12:15 P.M - 12:30 P.M

Sponsor Splash by Tango


Fraud mitigation in respondent incentives | The Art and Science of Keeping the bad actors out


Monica Bush, VP, Information Security CISO, Tango

What's Next?

Dave Lundahl, InsightsNow, Inc., United States

Mimi Sherlock, IFF Nourish, United States


12:30 P.M. - 1.45 P.M


1:45 P.M - 1:55 P.M


Pavi Gupta, SC Johnson, United States

Mapping the Maze: Understanding the Customer Journey

1:55 P.M - 2:15 P.M

Client Topic

TikTok’s Exploration into the Future of Intentional Discovery       

Understanding the evolution of consumer search behaviors and what this means for brands 

Learn how to co-create using generative AI to design product concepts. This interactive workshop will show the power of prompting with insights statements to focus gerative AI engins on human truths that target discovered innovation opportunities.


Jaclyn Williams, Tik Tok, United States

Alejandro Garcia, Tik Tok, United States


2:15 P.M - 2:35 P.M

Case Study

Breaking Down Barriers  

A new approach to quantifying the impact of barrier removal on customer acquisition

Learn a novel approach to driving customer acquisition using quantifying usage barriers, which helped our client shift the targeting strategy and brand focus to shape a new brand promise as the cornerstone for 2024 business implementation.


Jason Brooks, Material, United States

Charles Allison, Instacart, United States


2:35 P.M - 2:55 P.M

Case Study

From shelf to sip: Uncovering a winning consumer journey for Suntory’s -196 hard seltzer  

Staying a step ahead in highly competitive product categories takes insights that span the complete consumer journey

Getting noticed on the shelf and at the party: how the right end-to-end consumer purchase and consumption journey insights helped advise Beam Suntory's launch of its -192 hard seltzer in the competitive U.S. market.


Jenny Stephen, Suntory Global Spirits, United States

Shira Horn, AMC Global, United States


1:45 P.M - 1:50 P.M

Interactive Stage


Dharmendra Jain, Actnable AI, Kenya

1:50 P.M - 2:55 P.M


From Moments to Innovation: How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Insight Activation 

Learn how to co-create concepts using generative AI 

Learn how to co-create using generative AI to design product concepts. This interactive workshop will show the power of prompting with insights statements to focus generative AI engines on human truths that target discovered innovation opportunities.


Dave Lundahl, InsightsNow, Inc., United States

Mimi Sherlock, IFF Nourish, United States

Jenny O'Connor InsightsNow, Inc., United States


2:35 P.M - 2:55 P.M

3:05 P.M - 3.20 P.M

Sponsor Splash by Black Swan Data

Getting CPG Innovation Down to a Science


Black Swan Data has been harnessing the power of AI for a decade to predict consumer behavior. Join the session to learn how leading CPGs are using big social data to understand and anticipate consumer purchasing patterns.


Katie Egge, VP of Sales, Black Swan Data



3:20 P.M - 3:50 P.M.

3:50 P.M - 4:00 P.M.


Alex Baranpuria, Ivy Exec, United States

Beyond Brand Awareness: Uncovering Brand Innovation Opportunities

Client Topic

4:00 P.M - 4:20 P.M.

Voicing the New Global Immigrant Realities

Empowered insights for an underserved market

Unlocking Immigrant Capital: How Brands and Institutions Can Thrive in a Post-Globalized World


Arundati Dandapani,, Canada

Nancy Deng, Procter and Gamble Canada, Canada

Methodological innovation

4:20 P.M - 4:40 P.M.

Using AI for Innovating Brand Strategy

The fastest way to grow your brand!


Marco Vriens, Kwantum, United States

Rogier Verhulst, LinkedIn, United States



3:50 P.M - 4:00 P.M.

Interactive Stage


Dharmendra Jain, Actnable AI, Kenya

3:55 P.M - 4:35 P.M.


Tips and Tricks to Make Pricing Research Better and More Actionable


How to make pricing research better; more accurate, more actionable and more trusted. So it will have better impact on your company, provide more value and drive unsurpassed business results.


Per Sjofors, Sjofors Partners Inc, United States

4:40 P.M - 4:50 P.M.


4:50 P.M - 5:30 P.M.

Strategic Impact: Guiding Brands to Victory with Black Insights

Black Consumer Market Researcher Pepper Miller and University of Chicago Booth of Business Professor and Marketing Executive Amy Hilliard Guide Brands to Victory with Black Insights


Pepper Miller, Hunter-Miller Inc., United States
Amy Hilliard,The Hilliard Group, and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, United States

5:30 P.M - 6:30 P.M.

Networking Drinks

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